How to French Kiss: 7 Master Steps to Clear The Basics

french kiss

How to French Kiss: 7 Steps to Master the Basics

Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of French kissing or already seasoned in the art, mastering the perfect French kiss can elevate your make-out skills to new heights. While the fundamentals of regular kissing apply, there are some reliable tips you can adopt to enhance the experience for both you and your partner.

Don’t feel overwhelmed by the need to master every technique immediately. Focus on mastering the essentials, and then allow yourself to explore and experiment with your partner. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered. Follow the guidance and suggestions below on how to French kiss, and your first attempt will likely go smoothly.

Need to Know

If you’re curious about what a French kiss entails, there’s no need to fret. Essentially, it’s akin to a standard kiss, but it incorporates the use of your tongue. French kissing is an intimate gesture and serves as a potent means to deepen your sensual connection.

  1. Moisten Your Lips

Kissing with dry lips can be less enjoyable for both you and your partner. To keep your lips moist and ready for a great kiss, give them a quick lick just before the smooch. For consistently smooth and hydrated lips, make it a habit to use lip balm regularly and stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

At home, you can also enhance your lip care routine before a date. Gently exfoliate your lips by using a damp washcloth and making circular motions to remove any dead skin. Complete the process by applying lip balm for a perfect finish.

Quick Tip
Before delving into the world of French kissing, it’s important to establish a foundation of regular kisses with your partner. French kissing involves the use of your tongue and is a more intimate act, necessitating a higher level of comfort between two individuals. Therefore, it’s best to reserve this technique for a partner with whom you’ve developed a meaningful connection over time, rather than attempting it with someone you’ve only recently met. Take the time to nurture and build the necessary intimacy before exploring French kissing.

  1. Freshen Up Your Breath

Since French kissing involves a high level of intimacy, as your tongue will be inside someone’s mouth, it’s crucial to ensure that your mouth is clean and your breath is fresh. There’s nothing more off-putting than kissing someone with unpleasant breath.

Before meeting up with your partner, make sure to brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly. If available, consider carrying some mints with you that you can discreetly pop into your mouth just before you begin kissing. This simple step can make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your partner.

Quick Tip
If you have a feeling that your partner might be a bit hesitant when it comes to French kissing, it’s a good idea to have a conversation about it before giving it a try. It’s likely that your date is interested in incorporating tongue into your kisses but might require some encouragement and reassurance from you. In many cases, the first French kiss occurs spontaneously in the heat of the moment, without any prior planning or discussion.

  1. Move in for a French Kiss at an Angle

When you’re about to kiss your partner, tilt your head slightly to one side. If both of you approach head-on, you might end up bumping noses. While engaged in the kiss, it’s perfectly fine to switch sides occasionally for a bit of variety. If you’re unsure which way to lean, you can let your partner take the lead and adjust in the opposite direction.

This is one of those things that become more natural with a bit of practice, so don’t be concerned if it feels a little awkward initially. Enjoy the process of practicing and have fun.

  1. Close Your Eyes

Many individuals tend to close their eyes when kissing to avoid appearing cross-eyed while gazing into their partner’s eyes. It’s perfectly acceptable to exchange a brief glance during the kiss, but locking eyes throughout might dampen the romantic atmosphere. Instead, gently close your eyes in a relaxed manner, avoiding excessive squeezing, which could make you feel uncomfortable.

  1. Start With a Normal Kiss

Believe us, jumping straight into French kissing isn’t the way to go. French kissing should be built up to, and that starts with gentle, closed-mouth kisses. Consider those initial, delicate kisses as a form of foreplay that heightens the excitement leading up to the main event of French kissing. Take your time and savor the moment.

  1. Add Some Tongue When You’re Ready

When you’re ready to initiate your French kiss, avoid simply thrusting your tongue into your partner’s mouth. Instead, gently and gradually introduce your tongue, like a polite “knock on the door.”

Pause when you reach your partner’s lips and teeth, ensuring that they are on the same page and ready to engage in French kissing. Most likely, your date will eagerly respond to your French kissing approach with enthusiasm.

  1. Explore a Little

As you engage in French kissing, use this opportunity to intimately explore your partner’s mouth, tongue, lips, and teeth. Discover what brings you the most pleasure and also pay attention to your partner’s desires. If you’re feeling a bit apprehensive about your technique, start with gentle movements, and occasionally transition back to regular kissing to maintain comfort and enjoyment for both of you.

Add Some Variety to Your French Kissing

Variety in your exploration is key, and there are additional ways to achieve it. Firstly, remember to switch back to regular kissing. French kissing is wonderful, but so is the classic kind. By alternating between the two, you and your partner can keep things interesting and prevent any sense of monotony.

Secondly, consider adapting the pace and intensity of your tongue’s movements. At times, you may want to passionately delve into your partner’s mouth, while on other occasions, a more relaxed approach, letting your partner guide the way, can be equally delightful.

How to French Kiss Perfectly: Helpful Tips

Now that you’ve learned the basics of kissing, here are some extra tips to enhance your kissing experience.

  • Breathe – Remember to continue breathing while kissing. This will help you stay comfortable and prolong your kiss. Inhale through your nose to ensure you don’t need to pause the kiss for a breath of fresh air.
  • Prioritize fresh breath – Nobody enjoys kissing someone with unpleasant breath. While maintaining a routine of regular teeth brushing is essential, popping a breath mint shortly before a kiss can also be a thoughtful and appreciated gesture.
  • Use your hands – Kissing involves more than just your mouth and tongue; it’s a romantic expression that engages your entire body. Enhance your French kissing technique by using your hands to tenderly caress and embrace your partner.
  • Focus on feelings – Embarking on your first French kiss may seem intimidating. Relax, take your time, and immerse yourself in the sensory delight of the moment. You’ll become a skilled pro in no time.
  • Take a break if you need to – If you’re in need of a little break, consider treating your partner to a variety of kisses on their neck and collarbone.

Quick Tip
Wondering how to French kiss in a way that will captivate your partner? It’s all about being attuned to their cues. If they lean in and appear to be enjoying your approach, you’re definitely heading in the right direction.

There Are No Rules to French Kissing

Mastering the art of French kissing is simpler than you might imagine. What’s even better, there are no strict rules to adhere to. Simply relish the experience and express your affection to your partner in a fresh and delightful way.

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